Chaos to Comfort: Suicide… left behind

On August 11, 2014 news outlets broke the story that stunned us all with the seemingly inexplicable loss of the brilliant actor and comedian, Robin Williams. Reflecting upon this monumental career, one can scarcely fathom how he might make the choice to end it all, by his own hand. And yet, it happened. Mr. Williams’ … More Chaos to Comfort: Suicide… left behind


The heart and mind of a guy is sometimes a little harder to access than a woman’s more global-thinking brain. This isn’t some sort of flaw that God accidentally let slip through his “quality control”. Instead, guys are built to provide, protect and lead their families, and the ones they love. That sometimes requires man-minded … More |~|Poser|~|

8 Centimeters and Surprised by Transition: Birthing a Small Group Leader

In leadership, one thing that remains constant is change.  If you have a penchant for a static, tranquil, placid life that rarely ripples then I am afraid I have bad news for you… you aren’t a leader.  Well, I guess that may actually be a relief for some of you.  But if you are hard-wired … More 8 Centimeters and Surprised by Transition: Birthing a Small Group Leader

Leaders Are Readers: Why Men Hate Going To Church/ Book Review

Okay fellow leaders… every now and then I run across a book that may be a real game changer for church leadership.  I have found one and offer this review and encourage you to get your copy and digest its content.  Then I challenge you to act on it.  That’s the hardest part of being … More Leaders Are Readers: Why Men Hate Going To Church/ Book Review